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Make requests to the Supabase API with the useSupabaseClient composable

Auto-import your client inside your vue files.

This composable is using supabase-js under the hood, it gives access to the Supabase client.

The client is initialized with the SUPABASE_KEY you must have in your .env file. It establishes the connection with the database and make use of user JWT to apply RLS Policies implemented in Supabase. If you want to bypass policies, you can use the serverSupabaseServiceRole.


The useSupabaseClient composable is providing all methods to manage authorization under useSupabaseClient().auth. For more details please see the supabase-js auth documentation. Here is an example for signing in and out:

If you want a full explanation on how to handle the authentication process, please read this section.
<script setup lang="ts">
const supabase = useSupabaseClient()

const signInWithOAuth = async () => {
  const { error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithOAuth({
    provider: 'github',
    options: {
      redirectTo: 'http://localhost:3000/confirm',
  if (error) console.log(error)

const signOut = async () => {
  const { error } = await supabase.auth.signOut()
  if (error) console.log(error)

Please also take a look at Get Started for the authorization flow.

Database Request

Please check Supabase documentation to fully use the power of Supabase client.

Here is an example of a fetch using the select method with Nuxt 3 useAsyncData composable.

<script setup lang="ts">
const client = useSupabaseClient()

const { data: restaurant } = await useAsyncData('restaurant', async () => {
  const { data } = await client.from('restaurants').select('name, location').eq('name', 'My Restaurant Name').single()

  return data


Based on Supabase Realtime, listen to changes in your PostgreSQL Database and broadcasts them over WebSockets.

To enable it, make sure you have turned on the Realtime API for your table.

Then, listen to changes directly in your vue page / component:

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { RealtimeChannel } from '@supabase/supabase-js'

const client = useSupabaseClient()

let realtimeChannel: RealtimeChannel

// Fetch collaborators and get the refresh method provided by useAsyncData
const { data: collaborators, refresh: refreshCollaborators } = await useAsyncData('collaborators', async () => {
  const { data } = await client.from('collaborators').select('name')
  return data

// Once page is mounted, listen to changes on the `collaborators` table and refresh collaborators when receiving event
onMounted(() => {
  // Real time listener for new workouts
  realtimeChannel ='public:collaborators').on(
    { event: '*', schema: 'public', table: 'collaborators' },
    () => refreshCollaborators()


  // Don't forget to unsubscribe when user left the page
onUnmounted(() => {


Database typings are passed to the client out of the box if the database generated types are found at ./types/database.types.ts or your configured types path. Check Supabase documentation for further information.

## Generate types from live database
supabase gen types typescript --project-id YourProjectId > types/database.types.ts

## Generate types when using local environment
supabase gen types typescript --local > types/database.types.ts

You can also pass Database typings to the client manually:

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { Database } from '~/types'
const client = useSupabaseClient<Database>()

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